
Restore links for fixed-point blocks.


res = fixpt_restore_links
res = fixpt_restore_links('SystemName')
res = fixpt_restore_links('SystemName','AutoSave')


res = fixpt_restore_links restores broken links for the fixed-point blocks contained in the model or subsystem specified by bdroot. By default, the models and libraries containing restored block links are left open and unsaved. res contains the names of the blocks that had broken links restored.

res = fixpt_restore_links('SystemName') restores links for the fixed-point blocks contained in the model or subsystem specified by SystemName.

res = fixpt_restore_links('SystemName','AutoSave') determines the state of the models or subsystems containing restored block links. If AutoSave is on, the models or subsystems are saved and closed. If AutoSave is off, the models or subsystems are unsaved and left open.


Breaking library links to fixed-point blocks will almost certainly produce an error when you attempt to run the model. If broken links exist, you will likely uncover them when upgrading to the latest release of the Fixed Point Blockset.