FixPt Dead Zone

Provide a region of zero output.


The FixPt Dead Zone block is a masked S-function that generates zero output within a specified region, called its dead zone. The lower limit of the dead zone is specified with the Start of dead zone parameter, while the upper limit of the dead zone is specified with the End of dead zone parameter. The block output depends on the input and dead zone:

  • If the input is within the dead zone (greater than the lower limit and less than the upper limit), the output is zero.

  • If the input is greater than or equal to the upper limit, the output is the input minus the upper limit.

  • If the input is less than or equal to the lower limit, the output is the input minus the lower limit.

Parameters and Dialog Box

  • Start of dead zone - The lower limit of the dead zone

  • End of dead zone - The upper limit of the dead zone

  • Saturate to max or min when overflows occur - If checked, fixed-point overflows saturate. Otherwise, they wrap.


Consider the model shown below, which compares a fixed-point signal and the output generated by the FixPt Dead Zone block. The signal source is a sine wave with unit amplitude.\

The Start of dead zone parameter is configured to -0.5 and the End of dead zone parameter is configured to 0.5.

The resulting output is shown below.


Input Ports

Any data type supported by the blockset

Output Port

Any data type supported by the blockset

Direct Feedthrough


Sample Time


Scalar Expansion

Yes, of parameters



