FixPt Dot Product

Generate the dot product.


The FixPt Dot Product block is a masked S-function that generates the dot product of its two input vectors. The scalar output, y, is equal to the MATLAB operation

y = sum(conj(u1).* u2)

where u1 and u2 represent the inputs. If both inputs are vectors, they must be the same length.
For a detailed description of all block parameters, refer to Block Parameters. For more information about converting from one Fixed-Point Blockset data type to another, refer to Signal Conversions.

Parameters and Dialog Box 


  • Output data type and scaling - Specify the output data type and scaling via the dialog box, or inherit the data type and scaling from the driving block or by back propagation.

  • Output data type - Any data type supported by the Fixed-Point Blockset.

  • Output scaling - Radix point-only or slope/bias scaling. These scaling modes are available only for generalized fixed-point data types.

  • Lock output scaling so autoscaling tool can't change it - If checked, Output scaling is locked. This feature is available only for generalized fixed-point output.

  • Round toward - Rounding mode for the fixed-point output.

  • Saturate to max or min when overflows occur - If checked, fixed-point overflows saturate. Otherwise, they wrap.

  • Override data type(s) with doubles - If checked, the Output data type is overridden with doubles.

  • Log minimums and maximums - If checked, minimum and maximum simulation values are logged to the workspace.


Input Ports

Any data type supported by the blockset

Output Port

Any data type supported by the blockset

Direct Feedthrough


Sample Time


Scalar Expansion




